Assassins Creed Origins Bestes Reittier

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Share on:Assassin’s Creed Origins has a new weapons and equipment system. You’ll be glad you took the time to understand it the first time the bounty hunters come breathing down your neck.This Assassin’s Creed Origins guide page intends to explain the inventory system in full so you know how to get your hands on the best weapons, which ones you should hold on to, what to do with your old gear, what and when to upgrade, where to find silica or carbon crystal, the pros and cons of the different types of weapons and more.If you spend time looting the environment and completing side quests you’ll soon find you have loads of equipment.


Assassins Creed Origins Bestes Reittier Full

It can be difficult to see which weapons you should be using at any given time, and which ones you can safely offload.Take a quick look over this before you dive into Assassin’s Creed Origins – it’s more of an RPG than you might be expecting, and with the right gear you’ll have a much better time. Need more help Check in with our for more tips, such as a our picks of.Loot rarityIn Assassin’s Creed Origins, you get new weapons and shields all the time – from enemy drops, from treasure chests, as quest rewards or via in-game shops.

They come in three rarity tiers, helpfully colour coded for easy recognition. The more uncommon a weapon or shield, the more attributes it has, and the more valuable materials you’ll earn for dismantling it.

Here’s the deal:. Blue weapons and shields are common and have one attribute. They dismantle into common materials. Purple weapons and shields are rare and have two attributes. They dismantle into rare materials. Golden weapons and shields are legendary and have two to three attributes. Don’t dismantle or sell them!Until you get close to endgame and have all your other equipment upgraded, dismantle your unwanted weapons and shields rather than sell them.

You don’t really need money except to upgrade weapons, but crafting materials can be more of a chore. You’ll be glad to have a big stack of them when you want them.Don’t think twice about dismantling or selling blues and purples, but never dismantle or sell legendary weapons and shields before endgame. These are really infrequent finds and you can upgrade them once you hit endgame and stop finding trash loot at higher levels.