Breaking Point Standalone Game

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Weapons and EquipmentFirearms conditionThe condition of your weaponry can deteriorate, either by continual use or taking damage in combat. A weapon in a good state will function normally, but the gun of a careless player will become less accurate and more likely to jam over time - or worse!

Don't despair though, all weapons can be cleaned and/or disassembled into parts to fix your preferred firearm. You can even go as far as to removing vital parts from weapons, leaving them for an unsuspecting survivor to pick up and try to use!Bullet Ballistics and weapon handlingThe firearms in Breaking Point have been designed with entertaining realism as the primary focus. Weapons and projectiles will behave realistically with all environmental factors having the real world impact one would expect from a sophisticated simulator.Firearms will feature realistic recoil and sway while scopes will feature new, real world elevation and windage adjustments. This means that the player will have to learn their weapon and chart their own ranges making long range sniping more difficult but also more rewarding. A shooter will have to account for range, elevation, wind, and temperature when making a long range shot. Medical System Our Medical System is the culmination of several years of design, trial and error, and in depth conversations with professionals trained in field medicine. The concept is simple, but the integration is complex.

As a player in our world, you will be susceptible to a variety of injuries from firearms, melee weapons of the blunt or bladed variety, and the hands of whatever horrors roam the wasteland. Treatment of these wounds is vital to your continued survival and is handled via a sleek UI containing all of your character’s wound and treatment information. Stop the bleeding, treat the wound, and keep your Stamina up so the wound can heal quickly.

But be warned, the pain of your wounds will cause all movement actions to use more Stamina, the very thing you need to heal. A variety of medical items will be available to help expedite the healing process but there will be no instant heals in our world.


Breaking Point is a post-civilization survival game set in the decades following the downfall of modern society to a deadly outbreak. Gameplay is a balanced mixture of hardcore realism and first and third person modern military shooter. Your primary goal is to navigate the ruined world and decide whether or not to take part in a war that is raging between the rival factions that have taken over the land.

You must always remain on guard from both your enemies and the mutations that the outbreak created. Should you die, only your character’s progress remains and your journey begins again. Faction SystemChoose your side (or don’t!). 7 playable factions all tuned to different styles of play. Dedicate yourself to one faction or play them all on one account, the choice is yours!

You can also choose to remain outside the Factions by staying with your default “Survivor” character or to be outside of humanity entirely by playing as one of the infected AI.Ranger: Former law enforcement, military, and/or EMTs. The Ranger is the classic good guy/hero character that is dedicated to upholding order and aiding those in need. Well versed in field medicine and proficient with firearms.Nomad: Backpackers, naturists, and modern bedouins. The Nomad is knowledgeable of their surroundings, having the necessary skills to survive and even thrive in the harshest of environments. Nomads are generally moral characters that are aligned with the Rangers.Survivalist: Former special forces and avid outdoorsman. Survivalists use stealth and guile to stay alive and prefer to stay hidden to avoid any possible conflict.

Their slightly While not technically aligned with any other faction, the Survivalists recognize the virtue of the Rangers/Nomads and will occasionally work together against their common enemies.Outlaw: Gangsters, criminals, and thugs. Outlaws thrive on destruction and general anarchy working together to steal what they can and kill anything and anyone that stands in their way. Their former life of crime and general lawlessness has left them hardened and resourceful making them a serious threat to anyone seeking to create order.

Improvised weaponry, particularly traps and explosives are their specialty.Hunter: No one really knows where the Hunters came from, but the significant threat they pose makes this unimportant. The Hunters are the zealots who are religiously dedicated to wiping out what remains of civilization, believing it to be necessary to rid the world of the Outbreak that continues to evolve. The Hunters are truly ruthless killers who specialize in melee combat. They recognize that the destructive capability of the Outlaws is useful to them and thus have a tentative alliance.Mercenary: Former private military and general guns for hire. The Mercenaries are the conceptual opposite to the Rangers seeking to use their skills and experience to further their own causes and agendas.

Extremely skilled with weaponry and firearm modification. While not technically aligned with any other faction, the Mercenaries recognize the usefulness of the Hunter/Outlaw alliance and will occasionally use this to achieve their goals.Engineer: Mechanics and Engineers from both military and civilian life. The Engineer’s primary purpose in this new world is to keep things running.

A truly neutral class with no allegiance to any group or cause. Highly skilled in all manners of metalwork and machining.

Background / environmentThe fires that raged during and after the fall of humanity have long since burned out, leaving cities in a state that is far from their former glory. Nature has started to claim back what used to be hers, leaving a surreal but familiar mix of concrete and vegetation. The remnants of the outbreak can be found everywhere, from the twisted bodies it left in the streets to the crazed, virulent mutations that refused to stay down. There is very little in this world that can be considered safe or familiar.You will arrive into this world unaware of your location and with only the clothes on your back.

From that moment on, you will be forced to find what you need to survive and to choose whether or not you go it alone and align yourself with the factions fighting over whether to take back civilization or destroy it once and for all. PvE The player will have to defend themselves from both highly intelligent AI and the other players in the world. The primary AI in Breaking Point are based around the concept of what would happen if the outbreak crippled mankind and began evolving within those that survived it, creating a variety of human mutations. Some become violent and reclusive while retaining all their original human instincts, intelligence, and coordination, lashing out and attacking anyone that disturbs them.

Others form a hive mind and roam in large hordes slaughtering everything in their way. Some mutations are even more dangerous and will be incredibly rare sightings for even the most dedicated player. PvP Breaking Point has always had strong PvP elements and we have expanded on them even further. From the map design to the weapon variations to our in depth medical system, players of all types are sure to have a thrilling combat experience.

A grouping system lets you easily distinguish your friends from potential foes and the returning legion mechanic will let you form your own persistent groups across all servers.Our international team is small but very loyal and has shown years of dedication to our projects. Breaking Point started off as a mod and grew to serve a community of hundreds of thousands of players. Beginning in 2012, Breaking Point was a simple addon modification that grew to become a fully featured total conversion mod that gained worldwide popularity.

Many of our game’s core concepts and designs began to take shape in this second phase, however it became clear that these ideas would never be fully realized without a dedicated game engine.Enter the Unreal Engine, a platform that will allow us the freedom to take Breaking Point where it needs to go. Full Mod Support As fans of the brilliant work done by various modders, we understand the importance of an active modding community. We feel it is vital to the success of a game like Breaking Point and have developed the game with mod support in mind.

Download Unreal Engine 4 from Epic games and make any changes you like to the content and infrastructure. Publish your own mods or download and install other creators content through steam workshop. Full steam integration means required mods enabled on your server will automatically be downloaded by users who connect.

The main issue is that they should have taken more from a3 than they did.look how broken the ballistics and weapons were when SA was released vs now. Look how crisp arma 3 mous movement is!I posted an honest comparison between the two and their development timeline and it was a flame war of the fanboys. LOLSA devs didnt make the map either.its cherno+. It was updated and added to. Not built from scratch.Where people get this notion that DayZ made cherno is beyond me.At least BP people have 0 funds, made someting that surpassed SA from the start (it was amazing during SA launch, but of course didnt have the popularity of SA) and integrated 4 maps in to the system.Look how much is packed in that game, i dont care standalone game vs mod. The fucking humanity system and advanced medical system, hunting, are all new and not parts of a3. They are providing more than the SA devs (insert argument here about engine development from fanboys)Those guys at BP are really pushing themselves.

And for FREE.they rock, game is amazing. Logged 100 hrs so far. Devs could learn a thing or two. Edited March 11, 2014 by deebz1234.

The main issue is that they should have taken more from a3 than they did.look how broken the ballistics and weapons were when SA was released vs now. Look how crisp arma 3 mous movement is!I posted an honest comparison between the two and their development timeline and it was a flame war of the fanboys. LOLSA devs didnt make the map either.its cherno+. It was updated and added to.

Not built from scratch.Where people get this notion that DayZ made cherno is beyond me.At least BP people have 0 funds, made someting that surpassed SA from the start (it was amazing during SA launch, but of course didnt have the popularity of SA) and integrated 4 maps in to the system.Look how much is packed in that game, i dont care standalone game vs mod. The fucking humanity system and advanced medical system, hunting, are all new and not parts of a3.

They are providing more than the SA devs (insert argument here about engine development from fanboys)Those guys at BP are really pushing themselves. And for FREE.they rock, game is amazing.

Logged 100 hrs so far. Devs could learn a thing or two.I did not say they made it from scratch, I said they reworked the whole map. And if you go up north you know what I mean. Do not get me wrong, I play BP on Altis map(did not know they ported other maps) and it can be fun. I just answered your question as to why BP is moving faster then SA. I flamed nothing, I stated facjs. Learn the difference to tard.

Bigest thing is that BP did not remake an entire map! They just added some military bases to Altis.

They also are not rewriting the player interface to add hotkeys and a new gear system. All yhey had to do was model some new items, config their zombies, and script their humanity system. That is still alot of work yes, but nothing compared to the SA project.They already did rewrite the interface and have hot keys for sit down, jump, switch weapon, heal, eat, and drink. They also remade the zombies which work great, there are vechicles and everything is several months ahead of standalone. All the weapons and vechicles have been re texured and their are weapons not even in Arma 2 or 3 such as the 22 cz rifle.I thoroughly recommend it.Standalone has the advantage of bigger team and finances, obviously has nice clothing and more personal touch to the characters, as for core gameplay mechanics, breaking point is way further ahead and more of a finished game whereas standalone in this state is more of a demo of 6 months in the future might be good. Edited March 11, 2014 by AgentNe0.

Yeah i can see it has issues. But it has loads of zombies that make the game a challenge.

Something the standalone only crew are yet to experience. Plus vehicles etc. For someone like myself playing the mod the last year, just want more. But before all the ALPHA ppl get on here, i know, just think its getting a bit silly when your main rivals are modders, who seem to be getting it done quicker.maybe not to the same server performance which we all want. But they didn't just make £30 million bucks. Throw some money at it lol. They already did rewrite the interface and have hot keys for sit down, jump, switch weapon, heal, eat, and drink.

They also remade the zombies which work great, there are vechicles and everything is several months ahead of standalone. All the weapons and vechicles have been re texured and their are weapons not even in Arma 2 or 3 such as the 22 cz rifle.I thoroughly recommend it.Standalone has the advantage of bigger team and finances, obviously has nice clothing and more personal touch to the characters, as for core gameplay mechanics, breaking point is way further ahead and more of a finished game whereas standalone in this state is more of a demo of 6 months in the future might be good.They did not rewrite anything! All they did was addAction then bound those actions to keys via inputAction or other scritp command. I gave them credit for the zombie config.

Breaking Point Standalone Gameplay

As for the vehicles, all they did was set them to use the model for a badly damaged hull/body well actingas if it was at 100%. Rhey did not add any vehicles,As for weapons, I suggest you visit Armaholic! Sure they touched some up so they look old and changed the names, but you will find every model there. As I said, yes they did alot of work, but it is still a small project compared to SA. Edited March 11, 2014 by Amodo. Yeah i can see it has issues. But it has loads of zombies that make the game a challenge.

Something the standalone only crew are yet to experience. Plus vehicles etc. For someone like myself playing the mod the last year, just want more. But before all the ALPHA ppl get on here, i know, just think its getting a bit silly when your main rivals are modders, who seem to be getting it done quicker.maybe not to the same server performance which we all want. But they didn't just make £30 million bucks.

Breaking Point Standalone

Throw some money at it lolThe performance is great, i get solid 60 fps all over altis, with a modest set upStandalone is between 40-60 and solid 30fps in new towns like Svet- Conclusion BP has far better stability than Standalone, with a larger map, with more zombies Edited March 11, 2014 by AgentNe0. Its off topic because you tried to compare a mod of a completed game to the stability of an Alpha, which IS essentially a demo. It's like Pizza: Breaking Point bought a pizza from their favorite place, added some pepperonis, took off some mushrooms, and some are saying 'They made a pizza! Why isn't yours done and delicious like ours?'

Whereas Bohemia, who is making their pizza from scratch, is still adding ingredients and hasn't even put it in the oven yet.To get fanboy with you douchebags that keep using that term, I will say that Breaking Point is fun, but it is just a cheap knockoff of the DayZ game (Mods and SA) which was created by Dean. Even if you dont agree with my cheap knockoff remark, it wasn't original. Don't throw them money. Give it to the man with the original idea.Please tell me that you are joking and Frankie doesnt get paid to make these videos. But I guess I am old fashioned since I never understood why anyone would want to watch video of game that someone else is playing and talking through. Either play that game yourself or play something else.