Fallout New Vegas Crashes

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Skyfall With MI6 now compromised from both inside and out, M is left with one ally she can trust: Bond. These events cause her authority and position to be challenged by Gareth Mallory, the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee. When Bond’s latest assignment goes gravely wrong and agents around the world are exposed, MI6 is attacked forcing M to relocate the agency. 007 takes to the shadows – aided only by field agent, Eve – following a trail to the mysterious Silva, whose lethal and hidden motives have yet to reveal themselves.

  1. Fallout New Vegas Crashes Before Start

When I start Fallout New Vegas, my firewall tells me that the game wants to connect to the internet. When I deny that, the launcher crashes.


Fallout New Vegas Crashes Before Start


When I allow access, the game starts.Is it supposed to work like this? I don't really like my single player games to access the internet. How can I run the game without giving it access to the internet?PS: When I'm playing offline, the launcher also wants to connect to the internet (although there's no internet to connect to) and when I comply, the game starts fine. So it doesn't really look like it's requiring some kind of external input to run the game.