Hk Parts Kotor 2

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SWTOR HK-51 guide with detailed walkthroughs on obtaining HK-51, the new companion droid introduced to SWTOR in Patch 1.5.Navigation.Things to know before starting the quest (i.e. How to prepare). You will need an alt of the opposite faction. It doesn’t have to be high level (Level 15 is ok). This is because one of HK 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it is bind on legecy (i.e. You can mail it to your main). The more the merrier.

  1. Hk 47 Parts Kotor 2

When hunting down HK-51’s components, the more people you have to cover territory, the better. Once a component is unearthed, anyone nearby, regardless of if they are in your party/ops, can loot it. If you scanner detects a component nearby, make sure to call it out so other players can benefit as well!.

Hk Parts Kotor 2

You will need to run two specific flashpoints as part of the quest. Only Coruscant and Dromund Kaas compoents are bound to legacy, rest of the components go straight to your mission tab of your inventory and are bound to that character. So yes, you will need a level 50 character to unlock HK-51 but there might be an option in the future to unlock it for other characters in your legacy.Quest start – Belsavis Section XNew arrives to Section X will be greeted by a droid called G0-A1 (Empire) B6-31 (Republic) not far from the ship landing pad. He will hand you a quest called Fatal Errors (Heroic 2+) for Empire players The Fatality (Heroic 2+) for Republic players and ask you to track down General Avrun (Empire) Bren (Republic) out in the Frozen Lake.While this quest is labeled as a Heroic 2+, it can be soloed if you are decently geared.You will need to head to the west portion of Section X and enter a subzone called The Frozen Lake.Talking to General Avrun Bren will lead you to the middle of map where you enter an instance for the mission. I m republic, yesterday i send the wrapped box to my new char on imp side lvl him to 7 and went to dromund caas- i was in operation and stand next to the found item if hk 51 – i cant click it- message -you need the scanner- ok time to open the box i thought- i try to open – message – you dont need to do this now- box was still closed-it seems there is a min lvl to use the fucking box- today evening i ll send money and jump to tattoine and buy the real scanner. With tokenjump back and go dying again through dromund wish luck to me.


Hk 47 Parts Kotor 2

For the Jumping Puzzle in Theoretika, I found out it was possible to just run through if you’ve got more than 21k Health. As a Jugg Tank with 25k hp, I died once on Specimen 19(didn’t get the Nylite at all as I forgot all about it on both attempts, 2nd attempt took him down by kiting him around the room with vette DPSing him down) and was frustrated it sent me back to the other side of the engineering room where I had to jump again. I tried the jumping puzzle a 2nd time and fell into the ‘electrified’ water by accident, and it was around 4k damage/2 secs. I figured I could prolly run all the way across, and I did survive, with around 4k HP remaining. Just remember to heal yourself immediately once you get across.;PThanks for the guide, you’re always a great help to the Community!.

Thanks a lot for the site and for this guide 🙂Want to add about “Theoretika portion– Heroic 2+” – it’s not Heroica at all, you can do it oneself like i did it yesterday by my Gunsligner (just all dailies purple mods 50 in orange gear) with a healer companion. There are no mobs (but it’s realy spooky:-)) and only one boss beast – so you do not need group if could not find any.And i have a question about other side component – i took one from Coruscant and my quest here is done, can i find now another one for my Mercenary char and mail it to him? I just can go and use excavator in Jedi Temple even if i have no quest for it? Or only one component of each kind is restricted for one char?. Why is the scanner even for sale for 50k in Outlaws Den? I completed the Theoretika and when I checked my inventory to see what loot I had the scanner was already there.

Also another bit of random weirdness happened. When I got to the vendor in the Outlaws Den on Tattoine I realised like a dope that I was actually skint.I decided to do the Black Hole Dailys to get some cash so off I went.

After the Heroic 4 I quick Travelled back to the outpost to get my rewards and sell my junk items. I was very surprised to find the HK weapon component in my inventory even though I know for certain I only had a couple of medpacs and a crafting recipe in my inventory when I left TattooineNow I did do False Emperor about 3 or 4 days ago but that was before I even had or knew about the HK quest chain. Just want to warn you guys something about the quests. If you are a subscriber and you don’t purchase the Section X unlock from cartel market, as you can get in Section X because of subscription privilege. Not completing HK-51 activation quest before the subscription ends will reset all the quests back to Theoretika.You will probably lose all of the components that you gathered and need to find them all again.

Not sure if it is the bug that cause all to disappear when you grab the loyalty chip as the last piece. I returned to this game a week ago and this is a sad news for me. Checked through the Endar Spire region for almost 90 minutes.In the end, I found it just north (outside, according to the map) of the Endar Spire region, slightly west of the small lake. House tully family tree.

Basically was walking back and forth in a search pattern which I continued until my position was outside the “described” area, than turned back about 10 meters distant.Found the drop at Coruscant smack in the middle of the area, but was walking around it for about 5 minutes due to some strange “measurements”. Great guide; a couple of notes:rocket boost makes travel times in the ship much more manageable.phase walk will NOT get you out of the asphyxiation room, but you CAN use it to completely avoid the jumping/pipe/electrocution puzzle.

Just set the return point on the edge, run across the water, flip the button, and phase back. No muss, no fuss. (there may be a way to do this on a leaper-type, as well),you only have the one fight on Theoretika.

The nylite injector will be in your mission items, but will NOT show up in the top right corner during the fight, so open the window or drag it to a hotbar – and you also have to be close (melee) to inject may get to the Den and find Kezzit is not there (there will be a busted up sand speeder & a broken droid on the ground) – it means someone has killed him.:/ That means you have to wait out the respawn. Like I am now.I’m a 60 pub shadow in 186 self & companion gear, and will solo all of this that I can. Will let you know if I get anything else of importance. I searched for hours to no avail on Hoth then decided to get some sleep and start in the morning when there might be more people on trying as well.

This morning I asked if anyone was looking and immediately got invited to a group. They said they were near it I searched a few feet away from them and I found it on the first search, felt like it was my birthday or something Oh wait Today is my Birthday LOL, they were happy and astonished and I was happy as well.

Found The Taris one at -40, -186 and the Hoth one at around 566, -971 on a small ice patch next to the ship. For anyone having a problem finding the fuse in the dark room on the ship Theoretika.

I think the fuse only shows up after you attempt to open the crate and discover the fuse in the crate is broken. So right after the lights go out, go to the crate and click to move the crate, click to open the panel and then click to remove the old fuse.After that, go to the corner indicated by the map position above and the fuse will highlight when you mouse over allowing you to pick it up. It is indeed on the floor mixed in with that garbage pile.You can also use the illumination probe to light up the area, but it will go out each time you move, though you can mouselook around and it will stay lit.

This helps in navigating the room!. Not sure if this is just my experience, or whether others have noticed the same, but across all of the “searched parts” (i.e. The ones not purchased from vendors or acquired in FlashPoints) I did notice something of a pattern.What worked for me was to find the toughest mob in the area, kill it, scan at the location they were standing when I first saw them (not where they died) and EVERY time I got a hit within 25 meters.Once you have the first hit, the search area you have to work with becomes so small that if it takes much longer than 5 minutes, you might as well give up!. Just did it tonight, and it’s not bugged. You need to go back into the room with the electrified water and go through the door in the corner to go back down to four. You do NOT need to cross the water again, the door is to your left as you enter the room.I was confused at first, too, because the door I THOUGHT I came through was jammed shut with no way to remove the debris.

The map makes it look like you have to go through that door to get back to four, too, furthering my confusion. I even started Googling to find out how to get back downstairs, and nobody mentioned it, so I figured I must be doing something wrong.

Started searching for another way out. Once I found it I was like, “Ohhhhhhh. I feel dumb.” lol.