Jagged Ghost Blade Dark Souls

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Contents.ProcedureIn order to use this glitch, you first need to overload your inventory past the weight limit. The weight limit is a leftover mechanic from Demon's Souls, preventing any items from being picked up past the weight limit.

  1. Jagged Ghost Blade Dark Souls Walkthrough
  2. Ghost Blade Wlop

In Dark Souls the limit equals 10 000 units. The best way to cross the weight limit is to buy 999 of a single weapon or armor piece via. A good example would be buying 999 of the Pike from Andre since it weighs 10 units, is cheap and quickly accessible.Once your inventory is overloaded, you need to follow these steps:0: Have at least one ring equipped that is not the Ring of Favour and Protection.1: Choose the equipment slot you want equip the item into. Then check the Pointer Chart below and see which other slot points towards the slot you have chosen. For example if you want to equip an item into the primary right hand slot (index 0), the slot that points towards it is the secondary right hand slot (index 1). This pointer slot is what you need for the next step.2: Go to your equipment screen and enter the slot of the items you want to use for this glitch.

Jagged ghost blade dark souls release

For example if you want to turn a consumable into a ring, you need to open a consumable slot. You can close the menu now for most equip manipulations, but for some you want to keep the menu open at this point. Keeping the menu open will allow you to equip any items from the list into the new equipment slot, whereas closing the menu will be more restricted, for example you can't turn weapons into armor if you close the menu. More info in Equipping Any Item In Any Slot.3: Execute any action that prevents you from going into an equipment slot, for example attacking or using an item. If you still have the menu open from step 2, you can fall off a ledge for example instead. Then during that action or fall press A on the pointer slot from step 1. This will on the surface do nothing, which is supposed to happen.

Do not close the menu yet.4: Now try to unequip one of the rings you have equipped. A messagebox saying '?Dialog?' Should appear. Confirm the messagebox and the game will bring up the inventory equipment list for the slot you've chosen earlier in step 2 with the item list from the slot you selected in step 1.5: Equipping items from the list now will either result in the same item being assigned to the slot, or an empty item, or, if the ID of the item you are trying to equip corresponds to the ID of an item from the other category, you will equip an entirely different item instead. The possible item conversion can be seen in the Item Tables section below.Pointer ChartEquipping Any Item In Any SlotAs mentioned in Procedure, in order to be able to equip any item in any slot, the equipment menu has to stay opened during the entire process of ESM. If the menu is closed, the choice of possible equip manipulations is somewhat limited.

For example trying to equip weapons into the armor slot that have a corresponding armor ID will fail due to the weapons with valid IDs simply not being listed as options. Staying in the menu keeps all options available to the player. This also allows to equip weapons into ammunition slots and they will be properly displayed on the back of the character since arrows/bolts are considered the same item type as weapons. Weapons will not be of any particular use in that slot but may be appealing fashion options as they do not incur any equip load when equipped there.Accessing Spells, Keys or other non-consumable GoodsIn order to equip all possible Goods the player carries right now in any given slot (i.e. Keys, Spells.) and not only consumables, the player has to essentially perform ESM twice in a row. Follow these steps:1: Open a consumable list in your equipment screen, close the menu.2: Perform ESM as normal by trying to equip a consumable in your second ring slot (that means your pointer slot will be the head piece armor slot, see the pointer chart), but do not actually equip the consumable.3: After bringing up the list that allows you to equip the consumable, close it again, but now do not close the menu.4: Perform ESM now again without closing the menu.

Jagged ghost blade dark souls 3

Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:02 amI tried phokz's table which he says is incomplete and just an update of his prepare to die edition of dark souls 1 and i had trouble getting some things to work so i started fixing some of the things that didnt work and added some extra stuff. In my tweaked version i didnt change the pointer for the item swap though so its the same as his.

I need to know if there's anything else that doesn't work in the table. You can try my version on page 37 which includes his table from page 1 unalterated but i didnt change the pointer for the item swap. I can open item swap before i even drop anything to be switched. What version of the game does it say you have on the start menu?That cheat engine table worked thank you so much.

The item ids are out of date on the google doc so am having to find those out for myself but thats not hard. Mostly I just want smithing materials to do the item myself.

Thanks again.I'm going to copy down some of these IDs for anyone else who wants them.Titanite Shard 400003E8Large Titanite Shard 400003F2Titanite Chunk 40000406Titanite Slab 4000042EGreen Titanite Shard 400003FCBlue Titanite Chunk 40000410Red Titanite Chunk 40000424White Titanite Chunk 4000041ATwinkling Titanite 4000046ADemon Titanite 40000460Dragon Scale 40000456. @lolrekuraiyou would have to play around with setting the Binary-0-7 for that byte, each byte contains 8 bits that are either a 0 or 1. Might have to go to the next or previous byte and play around with those binary-0-7.

I think they are all set to 0 on new playthrough and everytime they say a new dialog one of those 0's gets set to a 1. So you have to set the one that played the death dialog back to 0@Sif6The ID's for upgrade materials are already in the item swap lists.

Use the Sort by category in my tweaked cheat table and type in upgrade and they're all there. Alternatively you can use Fling's trainer and drop an infinite amount or use the no upgrade materials script in the cheat table or you can drop the +0 armor/weapon and scroll down the item swap list for what you want. You can actually upgrade un-upgradeable Armors/Catalysts/Talismans/Lantern like crown of dusk to +15 this way. +5 weapons/armor dont work though. Its fastest to just drop the +0 item since upgradeing stuff takes foooooooreveeeeeeeeer because of the menu delay. Out of curiosity what was the problem exactly?

I feel kind of dumb. I'm two hours into discovering this cheat engine, downloading it, and playing with a couple of cheat tables. I just can't get the item swap to work. Honestly, all I want to do is swap one of my 2 battle axes over to a Grass Crest Shield, since I accidentally fed it to Kingskeeper Frampt when I was half asleep.My version of Remastered is I'm trying to do my first playthrough (yes I'm years behind) as vanilla as possible, even with limited googling when I get stuck. I'm like a 50+ level mish-mash of traits and have held back upgrading any item so far. I want that darn shield back, because I now realize it boosts stamina.FINAL EDIT: Watched some youtube video about dropping items, adding to address list and changing hex values. Got my shield back!

Jagged Ghost Blade Dark Souls

Every item in the game is in the item swap, but my tweaked version has the DLC items and some extra stuff. I also labeled anastacia's soul since its dfifficult to tell which firekeeper soul is which. As for getting banned well, i've read on other forums that item swap won't get you banned but that's for you to decide. I use a cracked version of the game so unless i bought the game again i could tell you if i get banned using it. But getting all the weapons/armors in the game the normal way sucks. Plus my tweaked version you can re-customize your appearance and other stuff.

You can download my version here:Been trying to get notPhokz to check out my contributions so he can officially add it to his since he's stopped updating it since he's probably got better things to do than spend months playing the same game. I really dont have time for games myself anymore. Hopefully someone else will keep the torch lit since the table is far from finished. Probably not though. Greetings, everyone!I'm totally new at the Cheat Engine.

Jagged Ghost Blade Dark Souls Walkthrough

I heard that swapping items was the safest way to handle item getting.Let's assume I want to exchange one Dung Pie (ID 293) for one Black Knight Halberd (ID 1105000) and the rest of the Dung Pies for Souls of a Great Hero (ID 409). Let's also assume I have many Dung Pies in inventory.Once Dark Souls Remastered is open and the proper character is loaded, what is the step-by-step sequence to change items? (Let's also assume the items I'm swapping out aren't equipped nor on my hotbar.)Thankee! Is there a way to reset the weapon matchmaking for pvp?

Ghost Blade Wlop

I was making a low-level pvp build - soul level 10 with just a +5 dagger, and accidentally forgot to not upgrade a jagged ghost blade that dropped to +5 (which is the equivalent of a +15 weapon). That pretty much totally locks me out of pvp unless I level up the character. Thanks in advance.Edit:Aha, it was 'weapon memory.' Thanks to earlier posts, I was able to figure out how to downgrade from +5 to 0 and set my weapon memory correctly.