Star Wars Battlefront Jyn Erso

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. 0 Shares.Jyn Erso was added along with the following her role in. Jyn who was a former criminal became a pivotal player in the fight against the Empire.

She helped to lead a team that would eventually steal the Death Star plans that would forever turn the tides. These are the plans the Rebel Alliance would eventually use to destroy the first Death Star.Her in the game, like the movies, circles around her ability to get in and out places quickly. She can change her pistol to a rifle helping her to fight a magnitude of threats. The grenade that she carries can affect close, medium, and long range distance enemies giving her a good bubble to work in. Lastly, she can charge directly at foes multiple times killing them. While Jyn Erso’s health is not the strongest, she has the tools needed to get the job done.

Star Wars Battlefront Wiki

Special AbilitiesHer special abilities are Rifle Extension, Sonic Imploder, and Truncheon Surge. Rifle ExtensionThis ability allows her to switch between a blaster pistol and a blaster rifle anytime that she wants. There is also no worry about waiting for her weapon to cooldown. Sonic ImploderThis multipurpose grenade will deal damage to enemies, blind them, or reduce their armor. Enemies that are in close range will feel the damage, blind medium range enemies, and reduce the armor for long distance threats.

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Truncheon SurgeJyn Erso can surge forward with a brutal melee attack with her baton. She starts off with three charges available but can add more giving her a possible nine charges to use in one attack.

Star Wars Battlefront Jyn Erso

TraitBesides her special abilities, Jyn Erso also has a “Truncheon Charge” hero trait that gets stronger with each kill that she gets. This allows her to refill the charges for the Truncheon Surge melee attack. The higher the trait she reaches, the faster she can gain charges.How do you like playing as Jyn Erso?

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