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We've seen what the writers do with regards to travel time though, just take Gendry running back to Eastwatch/sending a raven/Dany arriving at The Frozen Lake for example. Illogical yes, but I wouldn't put it past them.And there might be plenty of foreign armies in Westeros, but seeing as Jaime is going North empty handed and all the Lannister bannermen are staying put, Jon, Dany & Co. Are going to need all the help they can get against the 100,000+ strong Army of the Dead.

20,000 of the Golden Company would certainly go a ways to helping with that. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I AM SO HYPED AFTER THAT.

About to re-watch for the third time after I had to run out and do some stupid adult things like grocery shopping.I also skipped out on a job interview in favour of sleeping off my headcold and staying home to watch this.NO REGRETS. Except maybe being broke for a little while longer. BUT WHATEVER, NO RAGRETS.It tied up a few nice loose ends for me, I so desperately wanted to see The Three Stooges in Tyrion, Pod & Bronn reunited, and I couldn't have enjoyed it more. 'Come on, you can suck his magic cock later!' Made me spit out my drink.I think Bronn taking Pod off for an ale (or eleventy million ales) was a nice little exit for them both for the season. There's not really a place for a squire and a sellsword at a pow-wow between fancy folks, best to let them do all the talking and fuck off to a tavern AND THEN THE BEST BROTHEL IN TOWN, AMIRITE? (Nb: I just learnt about the Headey/Flynn situation so well done by the writers tbh)Brienne & The Hound was the reunion I LITERALLY DID NOT KNOW I NEEDED.

Everyone goes on about Brienne/Jaime, Brienne/Tormund, but for two people who had previously tried to beat the other to a bloody pulp - their reunion was FUCKING AWESOME. Such a great way to develop the Hounds' character, too, his cheeky little smirk back at her absolutely killed me. He's finding a way to find peace with himself, showcased by his relationship (albeit however short lived) with Brother Ray and his need to seek out retribution for the massacre that was carried out by the Brotherhood, and then him burying the man and his daughter.

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I really like where they're going with him AND I'm so fucking stoked nobody interrupted him confronting the Mountain.' Do you remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?' 'Yeah, and his wasn't even any good.' Oh man, Euron is such a fucker. I can't decide who I hate more, Euron, Ramsay or Joffrey, but whats good to know is that nasty little fellows like that always get their come uppances.Which is a glorious little segway into SANSA MOTHERFUCKING STARK LAYING THE SMACKDOWN ON THAT SHITCUNT PETYR BAELISH. Hell hath no fury like a Stark girl scorned.There is so much more I could squeal about but I won't bore you with it all, the only thing I didn't enjoy was the #boatsex, that was the worst on screen sex scene I think I've seen.

Although I will say that Kit Harrington.DAT ASS.Off to watch it again!:D.

All reviewers of this movie seem to either love it or hate it, and it's easy to see why. As has been pointed out to death, the 'modernized' Hollywood story added in of a celebrity-voiced kid trying to win a girl and overcome a two- dimensional villain in the process is thoroughly uninteresting, and will make older moviegoers angry at the lack of effort made in expanding the story. The Once-ler's tale, on the other hand, is the story carried over from the book, one of unchecked ambition and carelessness. The Once-ler is morally gray and this is done very well, as he is likable, yet you're never sure- is he a villain? Biggest exporter of salmon.

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A misguided hero? Somewhere in between? Sure, it's padded out with cutesy animals, but knowing what becomes of them in the end makes it considerably less innocent. This story is where Seuss's message is, and it still makes it through. The score by John Powell is epic and the animation and designs are gorgeous, which add great atmosphere in the darker parts of the movie. The environmental message is very un-subtle, and people who dislike that in other movies will dislike it here.

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One need only listen to the cut song 'Biggering' to see how powerful this story could have gotten. And they just didn't have the guts. But beauty does manage to seep through in places, and this is one movie that I'd highly recommend seeing only parts of.