Ma Ananda Moyi Citations

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Precious gems are profoundly buried in the earthand can only be extracted at the expense of great labor.Sri Anandamayi MaDivine happiness, even the tiniest particle of a grain of it,never leaves one again; and when one attains to the essenceof things and finds one's Self-this is supreme happiness. Whenit is found, nothing else remains to be found; the sense ofwant will not awaken anymore, and the heart's torment will bestilled forever. Do not be satisfied with fragmentary happiness,which is invariably interrupted by shocks and blows of fate;but become complete, and having attained to perfection, be YOURSELF.Sri Anandamayi MaAcquire a firm will and the utmost patience.Sri Anandamayi MaTo believe in Him under any particular form is not enough. AcceptHim in His numberless forms, shapes and modes of being, in everythingthat exists. Aim at the whole and all your actions will be whole.Sri Anandamayi MaAs you love your own body, so regard everyone as equal to yourown body.

When the Supreme Experience supervenes, everyone'sservice is revealed as one's own service. Call it a bird, aninsect, an animal or a man, call it by any name you please,one serves one's own Self in every one of them.Sri Anandamayi MaTry to treat with equal love all the people with whom you haverelations. Thus the abyss between 'myself' and 'yourself' willbe filled in, which is the goal of all religious worship.Sri Anandamayi MaEnquire: 'Who am I?'

And you will find the answer. Look at atree: from one seed arises a huge tree; from it comes numerousseeds, each one of which in its turn grows into a tree. No twofruits are alike. Yet it is one life that throbs in every particleof the tree. So, it is the same Atman everywhere.All creation is that. There is beauty in the birds and in theanimals. They too eat and drink like us, mate and multiply;but there is this difference: we can realize our true nature,the Atman.

Having been born as human beings, we must not wastethis opportunity. At least for a few seconds every day, we mustenquire as to who we are. It is no use taking a return ticketover and over again.

From birth to death, and death to birthis samsara. But really we have no birth and death. We must realizethat.Sri Anandamayi MaGod is within everyone, but man goes out in search of Him.

Thisis what constitutes God's Play and God's Creation.Sri Anandamayi MaEven though you may want to push God the Mother aside, She willnever leave you. Are you not her offspring? A mother does whatis good and beneficial for her child. She gives to her scionexactly what is needed, not more and not less. Her forgivenessknows no limits, this is why she is called MOTHER.

Ma Ananda Moyi Citations Free

If with deepfaith, devotion and love you can exclaim: 'Mother, come to me,I cannot pass my days without you', rest assured, the UniversalMother will spread out Her arms and clasp you to Her heart.Don't look up to Her only as a mysterious refuge in your hourof distress. Keep in mind, She is always very, very near asthe Force that guides your life. She Herself is the supremerefuge of every sentient being. With this conviction proceed.She will take the brunt of your burdens from your shouldersand make them light.Sri Anandamayi MaYou should kindle fire by any means, either with clarified butteror sandalwood or even straw.

Once alight, the fire burns on;all worries, darkness and gloom gradually disappear. The firewill burn to ash all obstacles.Sri Anandamayi MaYour sorrow, your pain, your agony is indeed my sorrow. Thisbody understands everything. You may want to leave this body.But this body won't leave you for a single day - it does notand never will leave you. One, who has once been attracted tothis body, even though he may make a thousand attempts, willnot be able to efface or blot out the memory of this body. Itwill remain and persist in his memory for all time.Sri Anandamayi MaSuffering is sent to remind you to turn your thoughts towardsThat which is real - to God who will give you solace.Sri Anandamayi MaWhenever you possibly can, sustain the flow of a sacred Name.To repeat His name is to be in His presence. If you associatewith the Supreme Friend, He will reveal His true being to you.Sri Anandamayi MaAlways bear this in mind: Everything is in God's hands, andyou are His tool to be used by Him as He pleases.

Try to graspthe significance of 'all is His'. And you will immediately feelfree from all burdens. What will be the result of your surrenderto Him? None will seem alien, all will be your very own Self.Sri Anandamayi MaJoys and sorrows are time-born and cannot last. Therefore, donot be perturbed by these. The greater the difficulties andobstructions, the more intense will be your endeavor to clingto His feet and the more will your prayer increase from within.And when the time is ripe, you will gain mastery over this power.Sri Anandamayi MaHe alone knows to whom He will reveal Himself under which form.By what path and in what manner He attracts any particular manto Himself with great force is incomprehensible to the humanintellect. The Path differs indeed for different pilgrims.Sri Anandamayi MaPeople have various visions of gods and goddesses (in me) accordingto their own predilections.

What I was before, I am now, andshall be hereafter. I am also whatever you or anybody may thinkI am why don't you look at it this way: theyearnings (of seekers after Truth) have brought about this body.All of you have wanted it and so you have found it. That isall you need to know.Sri Anandamayi MaJust as fire burns away all dross and rubbish, so the threefold suffering purges man's heart from all impurity and resultsin a growing single mindedness in his search after Truth. Whenhe becomes deeply conscious of his weakness and tormented bythe thoughts of his undesirable impulses and distressing characteristics,when afflictions like poverty, bereavement or humiliation makehim feel his life is futile, then and then only does he developreal faith and religious fervor, and becomes anxious to surrenderhimself at the feet of the Supreme Being.

Suffering should thereforebe welcomed. Never does the soft moonlight appear more soothingthan after the scorching heat of a summer day.Sri Anandamayi MaA wealthy merchant went on a business trip. A thief in the disguiseof a businessman joined him, intent on robbing him at the earliestsuitable occasion. Every morning, before leaving the inn whichthey happened to have put up for the night, the merchant wouldcount his money quite openly and then put it into his pocket.At night the merchant went to sleep seemingly without suspicion.While he was asleep the thief would frantically search throughall the belongings of the merchant without being able to findthe money. After several nights of frustrating searching, thethief finally in resignation confessed to the merchant his trueintention and pleaded with him to tell him how he was able tohide his money so successfully.

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Ma Ananda Moyi Citations Page


Ma Ananda Moyi Citations Examples

The merchant replied casually:'I knew from the very beginning what you were up to. So, everynight I placed the money under YOUR pillow. I could safely sleep,knowing full well that that would be the one place where youwould never look.' God is within everyone, but man goes out in search of Him. Thisis what constitutes God's Play and God's Creation.Sri Anandamayi MaIf God is the Lord of the world, He can do with it as he pleases.Suppose you have grown beautiful flowers in your garden, butdecide to plant fruit trees in their place, won't you have toremove the flowers? If you have a fine house, but wish to builda larger and better one on the same plot, you demolish the oldone. The freedom that is yours in small things, God exercisesin great ones.

In both is He, in destruction as well as in construction.The history of nations, families and individuals is the greatLila (divine sport) that He stages with Himself.Sri Anandamayi MaWiden your shriveled heart, make the interests of others yourown and serve them as much as you can by sympathy, kindness,presents and so forth. So long as one enjoys the things of thisworld and has needs and wants, it is necessary to minister tothe needs of one's fellow men. Otherwise one cannot be calleda human being.

Find more information about:ISBN: 88120835OCLC Number:47992582Description:xxvii, 503 pages, 26, 20 pages of plates: illustrations, portraits; 22 cmContents:My parents and early life -My Mother's death and the mystic amulet -The saint with two bodies (Swami Pranabananda) -My interrupted flight toward the Himalayas -A 'Perfume Saint' displays his wonders -The tiger swami -The levitating saint (Nagendra Nath Bhaduri) -India's great scientist, J.C.