Monster Hunter World Gem Farming

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Late game weapon upgrades in Monster Hunter World will need gems, so here’s how to get them.If you’re like me, I’m sure you’ve had plenty of times where an upgrade to a weapon requires an elusive gem. Whether it’s the more general Wyvern Gem, or something more specific like a Legiana Gem, you’ll end up needing several different ones for their elements. There’s only really one guaranteed way to get the gem you need, but it’ll take some work. Here’s everything you need to know in order to get gems in Monster Hunter World. The Elder MelderThe Elder Melder allows you to take ingredients and meld them into more useful items – gems, plates, or simpler items like potions. These items need melding points to be able to make, and for all monster gems, a Gold Wyverian Print is needed. One Print is worth 100 points – the amount needed to meld a gem.

This is the most assured way to get a gem where you essentially just buy it. To get the Gold Wyverian Print, however, you must complete all of the limited bounties from the Resource Center. Limited bounties reset every week, and you must complete three limited bounties to get one Gold Wyverian Print for the week. For example the three needed between 16th-22nd March are:. Ecology Survey: Hunt Great Jagras – Hunt 3 Great Jagras. Ecology Survey: Hunt Bird Wyvern – Hunt 5 Bird Wyverns (Kula-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku).

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Monster Hunter World Gem Drop

Ecology Survey: Slay Elder Dragon – Slay 5 Elder DragonsInvestigationsThroughout Monster Hunter World you receive numerous investigations. Some are better than others, but if you’re looking for something like an Anjanath Gem then doing an Anjanath investigation with a gold reward will increase your chances of getting one. Sure, you can just go on expeditions to kill the monster you need, but you’ll be better off doing an investigation for better rewards when killing or capturing the monster.Make sure you don’t fill up on the maximum number of investigations (250) otherwise newly discovered ones may not be added to your list. Also check all the information to find the best for you.

If you don’t have an investigation for the monster you need you can go out and farm its tracks and kill/capture some, and if you don’t want to do that you can always check the quest board for SoS flares for a specific monster.LuckSimply put, a named monster gem will only drop from the specified monster, but it could take many kills/captures before you get the gem you need. Unfortunately, getting a gem through investigations and expeditions it’s all based on luck, so if you know yourself to be usually unlucky with loot in games, pray to Capcom – this actually worked a few times for my friends and I.Melding the gem through a Gold Wyverian Print is your assured way of getting the gem you need, so why not build towards that limited bounty while farming for the gem? That way even if the farm doesn’t get you the gem, the limited bounty certainly will.More on Monster Hunter World.