Star Wars Basilisk War Droid

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' The Basilisk war droid is the epitome of weapon technology. State of the art weaponry, armor, and maneuverability.' ―The Basilisk war droid was a powerful, designed by the to the, located in the. Following the ' of Basilisk in, the pillaged the powerful war droids for themselves.

  1. Star Wars Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid

To the Mandalorians, the Basilisk droid was known as the Bes'uliik—the ' beast' in the Mandalorian of —and came to be valued as animal-like companions. Measuring several in height, Basilisk droids resembled a cross between a and a, though there were those that noted the similarity between the war droids and their Basiliskan creators. Basilisk war droids were armed with an array of weapons in and on their frame, including and, shockwave generator rods,.

The Mandalorians were known for riding Basilisk war droids down into the of a world from at tremendous speeds, using gravitational force and the element of surprise to overwhelm their foes. Over, the warrior culture adapted the droids to suit different combat roles, and developed new iterations of the Basilisk that included enhanced features such as a closed.With the Basilisk war droids under their control, the Mandalorian Crusaders struck at worlds across, and the of.

Aligned with the and during the, the Mandalorians rode their Basilisks into combat during an on the galactic of, and again during the at against the of the. At, the Mandalorian Basilisk riders flew in to the world's famed. Following the end of the Great War, the Basilisk war droids went on to become a powerful component of the forces during the subsequent: Basilisk droids participated in battles at, and.Following the Mandalorians' at in the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars, the warriors were commanded by the to destroy their Basilisk mounts as part of the terms of their surrender. However, not all complied with Revan's demands, and numerous Basilisk droids continued to survive with Mandalorians who refused to give up their beast-like companions, including members of.

Even still, the war droids' numbers dwindled over, and by the rise of the, most Baslisk droids could only be found in the museums of the. The Basilisk droid remained a symbol of strength in the Mandalorian culture, and the design of later Basilisk droids could be found emulated in the manufactured by; the Mandalorian company also named it's -class after the ancient war droids. Contents DescriptionA -like, the Basilisk visually resembled a mechanical cross between a and a, standing on its six —two clawed, powerful front legs, and four smaller hind legs—at a height that varied from 2.98 upward to closer to five meters, depending upon the model. The Basilisk's gave it a rudimentary, animal-like self-awareness of a degree, and though they could operate independently, the war droids most often took the role of loyal mounts to direction-giving riders, and had to be powered up or shut down externally in a process that took. Basilisk droids formed powerful empathetic relationships with their riders, and were known to howl as if in pain when their rider was.A Basilisk war droid and its rider in battleThe bodies of Basilisk droids were heavily and often in shades of green, though others were known to display hues of gray, or with. Riders, who controlled the beast-like droids from protective armored saddles atop the Basilisks, were known to garnish their mounts with an assortment of their personal weaponry strapped to the droid's body, including,.

The war droid's open combat models were, themselves, armed with a powerful array of artillery: and auto-firing, and with a four- payload could all be found on or under the armored plates of Basilisks. At the droid's nose resided the Basilisk's primary weapon, a cluster of rods that together could form a burst of capable of ripping through the of. Even the droid's heavy claws that adorned it's two front legs, used mostly as landing struts or for walking on the ground, could be used for brawling, crushing obstacles, or tearing open the body of an opponent. Basilisk droids often carried a pair of deployable, and war droids of the combat type could tow volatile between them, catapulting the into an enemy ship. Mandalorian tinkering eventually spawned countless customized variants of the Basilisk, such as the two-seated, which accommodated both a and, while the designated stealth configuration bore lighter armament and supplementary engines. Later models departed dramatically from the original droid's design, incorporating closed and larger, virtually eliminating the droid's animalistic appearance in favor of a form more similar to a starship.Basilisk droids could operate effectively on the ground, in the, or in the vacuum of, and clusters located at the fore and aft of the war droid allowed the Basilisk to detect threats from all directions. On the ground, Basilisk droids were typically slow and lumbering, but could move at faster speeds when required.

In aerial combat, the Basilisk's rear armored wing plates —typically tucked against their bodies while at rest —would lift up to expose a set of high-boost that allowed the Basilisk droid to fly at speeds up to 550 per. However, while the war droid could reach great speeds, especially during bombing runs, it was slow to turn, weighted down by its heavy armor, and without the fins at the tip of the droid's tail section, a Basilisk in flight was hard to control. ' The doors opened in front of me and the air was sucked out of the drop bay, scattering crystals of frozen vapor across my path. I can't describe what it feels like to look directly down at a world, falling continuously as you circle it, with barely fifteen centimeters of armor plate protecting you. When the magnetic locks disengaged on my droid I plunged out of the drop bay towards the battle that waited below.' ―, speaking toA Basilisk war droid flying into combat with weapons firingWith a level of intelligence slightly above that of typical domesticated creatures, the animal-like Basilisk droids formed strong empathetic bonds with their Mandalorian owners.

These bonds allowed the droids to react almost preternaturally to the commands of their riders, and act as extensions of their own bodies. They were loyal companions, and were capable of serving as mechanical beasts of burden, carrying heavy equipment or towing large laden with cargo.In spite of their mechanical beast-like appearance and animal-level intelligence, a Basilisk acted more often as a than a droid. Capable of operating in the vacuum of space—their Mandalorian riders dressed in pressurized suits of vacuum-sealed —Basilisk war droids were carried aboard Mandalorian, held in place by locks until being launched from, where they could participate in engagements alongside other Mandalorian craft, even using their claws to latch onto opposing vessels. Pairs of war droids were able to coordinate the deployment of towed bombs against enemy starships or space stations. Basilisk droids could also enter a atmosphere, and it was not uncommon for Mandalorian riders to direct their mounts in a surging dive directly from to the planet's surface, using the rapid rate of descent to confuse the of opposing ground.Within the atmosphere, Basilisk droids were used to conduct high-speed bombing runs, or provide strafing air support for ground while hovering.

On the ground, the typically lumbering war droids were capable of significant bursts of speedy movement, and could use their heavy claws to batter or slice the body of a hostile. History Creation and capture. ' In 4017 BBY, Crusaders appeared in the Core Worlds, waging war against the inhabitants of Basilisk.

Overrun, the Basiliskans seeded their own world with toxins to deny it to the Crusaders who abandoned it but took numerous Lagartoz War Dragons, Basilisk warships, and war droids for their own use.' ―The Basilisk war droids were first created by the race, a technologically minded people from the planet, thousands of prior to the of the. In, the under the of launched an on Basilisk.

Star Wars Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid

The Basiliskans were overwhelmed by the Mandalorian, but rather than allow the invaders to claim their world, the arrogant Basiliskans their own planet in order to deny it to the Crusaders. Their actions succeeded in ensuring the Mandalorians abandoned the toxic world, but not before looting countless Basilisk war droids, along with numerous Basiliskan warships and Lagartoz War Dragons.

Mandalorian war mounts. ' Time was when Mando'ade rode war droids into deep space, no fancy hulls, raw vacuum that far from your shebs. That's how we won an empire.'

―leads his warriors into battle astride Basilisk war droidsAmong the most unique weapons in, the Basilisk war droid became a frequent sight among the forces of the Mandalorian Crusaders. Though the Mandalorians were traditionally ambivalent toward the use of droids, preferring the benefits of their own hard work, the Mandalorians came to view their acquired war mounts as close companions, forming strong empathetic bonds with their droids. Known in the Mandalorian of as bes'uliike, or ' beasts', only the warriors of the highest standing in a clan were given the honor of piloting a Basilisk droid. The Mandalorians took to feeding their Basilisks a combination of plasma and unrefined, and when a Basilisk droid fell in battle, it was given the funeral rites of a warrior before being sent to rest in the of a.With the Basilisk war droids under their command, the Mandalorian Crusaders, and raided the borders of space near the. There, the Mandalorians came into conflict with the: Qel-Droma and Mandalore the Indomitable agreed to a challenge of to take place on Kuar. Amidst the, Mandalore the Indomitable mounted in combat against Qel-Droma, only to be defeated and forced on his honor to swear loyalty to the recently anointed. In service to Qel-Droma and his, the Mandalorians under Indomitable rode their Basilisk war droids into battle in an on that allowed them to claim the fleet of vessels being constructed at the planet's.

Shortly thereafter, the Mandalorian Crusaders' Basilisk riders were part of the Qel-Droma's on the world of. Though the Mandalorians were ordered to retreat following the false declaration of Qel-Droma's death, they atop their Basilisk droids, intent to conquer the world for Qel-Droma when they learned he had indeed survived. During the fighting at Onderon, however, a opened fire on Mandalore the Indomitable's war droid, leaving the to crash on Onderon's, where he perished at the hands of the indigenous beasts.

Upon finding the ceremonial of Mandalore, Mandalore the Indomitable was replaced by a new warrior as the Mandalorian leader. Although the ended soon after, the new had his own plans for the Mandalorians and their Basilisk droids.rallies his troops from atop a Basilisk war droidMandalore the Ultimate set to challenge the Republic and conquer the known galaxy, inducting as many of its as Mandalorians as possible with his of in what became known as the. Mandalorian warriors astride Basilisk droid mounts, and, close to ninety percent of the populace, before moving on to. At the at, Basilisk droids took part in the orbital fighting, with at least one droid latching onto a Republic and tearing the from the vessel with its front claws. By this point in, the Mandalorians had established a number of Basilisk war droid variants, and a large number of the droids took part in the Mandalorian, with several patrolling the skies of during the Neo-Crusader occupation.War droids fought alongside the Mandalorians again at and Dxun, while several Basilisks and their riders fell victim to the on. At, at least a dozen Basilisk droids were part of the Neo-Crusader forces intent on taking the planet.

During the, the war droid flown by was shot down, though she and her son were saved from Republic by the pacifistic. A of Basilisk droids were carried aboard the, headed for the planet when the targeted the there.

At, the Neo-Crusaders with numerous Basilisk droids, raining them down on the orbiting in a manner similar to, and war droids under at.A Basilisk in flight, firing upon -wielding foes on the groundThe Mandalorian Wars came to an end with the, wherein Mandalore the Ultimate was killed in single combat by the, and the Mandalorians' fleet was devastated over by the known as the. In victory, Revan commanded that the Mandalorians disarm, and even destroy their Basilisk droids. However, not all obeyed the terms Revan set down, and kept their war droids in secret; the Mandalorians of and were two such groups who refused to give up their loyal mounts. While searching for Mandalore's Mask, taken and hidden by Revan following his defeat of Mandalore the Ultimate, several clans including Jendri and Ordo traveled to the world of, bringing their Basilisks with them. The Basilisk droids belonging to Clan Ordo assisted in transporting heavy cargo across the frozen, -covered surface of Rekkiad, before being forced into a with the Basilisk riders of Clan Jendri, when Ordo's members crossed into the territory Clan Jendri had established. However, Jendri possessed only four war droids in comparison to Ordo's six, and the battle turned in Clan Ordo's favor as the members of Clan Jendri retreated with their Basilisks.


Clan Ordo succeeded in recovering Mandalore's Mask from Rekkiad, and went on to become Mandalore the Preserver.As the new Mand'alor, the traditional leader of the Mandalorian clans, Canderous Ordo attempted to unite the Mandalorians that had s.

Contents CharacteristicsThe Basilisk war droid resembled a mechanical cross between a Zalorian rock-lion and a Karran beetle, standing on its six legs, two clawed, powerful front legs, and four smaller hind legs—at a height that varied from 2.98 meters upward to five meters, depending upon the model. The Basilisk's droid brain gave it a, animal-like self-awareness of a semi-sentient degree, and though they could operate independently, the war droids most often took the role of loyal mounts to direction-giving riders, and had to be powered up or shut down externally in a process that took seconds.

Basilisk droids formed powerful empathetic relationships with their riders, and were known to howl as if in pain when their rider was killed.The bodies of Basilisk droids were heavily armored and often colored in shades of green, though others were known to display hues of gray, or red with gold. The riders, who controlled the beast-like droids from armored saddles atop the Basilisks, were known to garnish their mounts with an assortment of their personal weaponry strapped to the droid's body, including axes, swords, and flashpistols. The war droid's open combat models were, themselves, armed with a powerful array of artillery: pulse-wave cannons and auto-firing laser cannons, shatter-missile launchers, and concussion missile launchers with a four-missile payload that could all be found on or under the armored plates of Basilisks. At the droid's nose resided the Basilisk's primary weapon, a cluster of shockwave generator rods that together could form a burst of plasma capable of ripping through the hulls of starships.

Even the droid's heavy claws that adorned it's two front legs, used mostly as landing struts or for walking on the ground, could be used for brawling, crushing obstacles, or tearing open the body of an opponent. Basilisk droids often carried a pair of deployable space mines, and war droids could also tow volatile atomic compression bombs between them, catapulting the nuclear bomb into an enemy ship or space station.Modificationtinkering eventually spawned countless customized variants of the Basilisk, such as the two-seated bomber, which accommodated both a pilot and gunner, while the designated stealth configuration bore lighter armament and supplementary engines. Later models departed dramatically from the original droid's design, incorporating closed cockpits and larger S-foils, virtually eliminating the droid's animalistic appearance in favor of a form more similar to that of a.Method of operationBasilisk droids could operate effectively on the ground, in the air, or in the vacuum of space, and sensor clusters located at the fore and aft of the war droid allowed the Basilisk to detect threats from all directions.

On the ground, Basilisk droids were typically slow and lumbering, but could move at faster speeds when required. In aerial combat, the Basilisk's rear armored wing plates typically tucked against their bodies while at rest would lift up to expose a set of high-boost engines that allowed the Basilisk droid to fly at high speed. However, while the war droid could reach great speeds, especially during bombing runs, it was slow to turn, weighted down by its heavy armor, and without stabilizer fins, a Basilisk in flight was hard to control.History. ' In 4,017 BBY, Crusaders appeared in the Core Worlds, waging war against the inhabitants of Basilisk. Overrun, the Basiliskans seeded their own world with toxins to deny it to the Crusaders who abandoned it but took numerous Lagartoz War Dragons, Basilisk warships, and war droids for their own use.' ― The Basilisk war droids were first created by the Basiliskan race, a technologically minded reptilian people from the Core World planet Basilisk. In 4,017 BBY, the under the command of launched an assault on Basilisk.

The Basiliskans were overwhelmed by the warriors, but rather than allow the invaders to claim their world, the arrogant Basiliskans poisoned their own planet in order to deny it to the Crusaders. Their actions succeeded in ensuring the Mandalorians abandoned the toxic world, but not before looting countless Basilisk war droids, along with numerous Basiliskan warships and Lagartoz War Dragons. ' Time was when Mando'ade rode war droids into deep space, no fancy hulls, raw vacuum that far from your shebs. That's how we won an empire.' ―With the Basilisk war droids under their command, the conquered, and raided the borders of space near the. There, the came into conflict with the fallen: Qel-Droma and agreed to a challenge of single combat to take place on Kuar. Amidst the duel, Mandalore the Indomitable mounted his Basilisk war droid in combat against Qel-Droma, only to be defeated and forced on his honor to swear loyalty to the recently anointed Sith Lord.

In service to Qel-Droma and his Sith Master, the Mandalorians under Indomitable rode their Basilisk war droids into battle in an attack on that allowed them to claim the fleet of vessels being constructed at the planet's shipyards. Shortly thereafter, the Mandalorian Crusaders' Basilisk riders were part of Qel-Droma's assault on the galactic capital world of. Though the Mandalorians were ordered to retreat following the false declaration of Qel-Droma's death, they struck at atop their Basilisk droids, intent to conquer the world for Qel-Droma when they learned he had indeed survived. During the fighting at Onderon, however, a frigate opened fire on Mandalore the Indomitable's war droid, leaving the Mandalorian leader to crash on Onderon's moon, where he perished at the hands of the indigenous beasts. Upon finding the ceremonial, Mandalore the Indomitable was replaced by a new warrior as the leader. Although the ended soon after, the new Mandalore had his own plans for the Mandalorians and their Basilisk droids.TheA Basilisk war droid attacks a starfighter in the battle at Vanquo.

' The doors opened in front of me and the air was sucked out of the drop bay, scattering crystals of frozen vapor across my path. I can't describe what it feels like to look directly down at a world, falling continuously as you circle it, with barely fifteen centimeters of armor plate protecting you. When the magnetic locks disengaged on my droid I plunged out of the drop bay towards the battle that waited below.' ― speaking toset out to challenge the Republic and conquer the known in what became known as the. Mandalorian warriors astride Basilisk droid mounts assaulted, and devastated, massacaring the Cathar populace, before moving on to conquer. At the battle at, Basilisk droids took part in the orbital fighting, with one droid latching onto a Republic and tearing the canopy from the vessel with its claws.

By this point in time, the Mandalorians had established a number of Basilisk war droid variants, and a large number of the droids took part in the Mandalorian, with many patrolling the skies of during the Neo-Crusader occupation.War droids fought alongside the Mandalorians again at and, while several Basilisks and their riders fell victim to the outbreak on. At, at least a dozen Basilisk droids were part of the Neo-Crusader forces intent on taking the planet. During the fighting, the war droid flown by was shot down, though she and her son were saved from the by the pacifistic. A squadron of Basilisk droids were carried aboard the Parjai, headed for the planet when the targeted the there. At, the Neo-Crusaders struck with numerous Basilisk droids, raining them down on the orbiting cities in a manner similar to meteors, and war droids fought under at.End of an eraThe came to an end with the, where was killed by the, and the Mandalorian fleet was devastated over by the superweapon known as the.

In victory, Revan commanded that the disarm, and even destroy their Basilisk droids. However, not all obeyed the terms Revan set down, and kept their war droids in secret, the Mandalorians of and were two such groups who refused to give up their loyal mounts.


While searching for the, which was taken and hidden by Revan following his defeat of Mandalore the Ultimate, several clans including Jendri and Ordo traveled to the Outer Rim world of, bringing their Basilisks with them. The Basilisk droids belonging to Clan Ordo assisted in transporting heavy cargo across the frozen, ice-covered surface of Rekkiad, before being forced into a skirmish with the Basilisk riders of Clan Jendri, when Ordo's members crossed into the territory Clan Jendri had established. However, Jendri possessed only four war droids in comparison to Ordo's six, and the battle turned in Clan Ordo's favor as the members of Clan Jendri retreated with their Basilisks.

Clan Ordo succeeded in recovering Mandalore's Mask from Rekkiad, and went on to become.Fate of a legendBy the time of the, Basilisk war droids were all but extinct. Now only a handful remain, some are still maintained by the odd, but most are deactivated and are kept in private collections. While a couple are behind transparisteel cabnets in museums. The disappearance of the Basilisk, while it is a tragedy, has truly made the a safer place.Notable models.