International Harvester Feed Grinder

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International Harvester Feed Grinder
  1. International Harvester Apparel

Hi all,As some of you know (who have seen my other posts) I have been working on projects for the prarrie village which I live next to.My latest is a 10 inch International Harvester Feed Grinder, in very sad shape.I hauled it into the shop (a job in itself) and after a liberal spraying with PB blaster and parience finally got it apart. Only to find out that just about every important part is broken. Sad.So I have some questions, is there a manual with part numbers, etc. On line anywhere? So I can figgure out the proper names and numbers of the parts that I need?Does anyone have a parts one of these with good grinder head area parts they would like to get rid of?

(I can be more specific once I get a manual)I have done some searching on here without much luck, but I did learn that I either need a big engine, or large tractor to actually run this.And mabey on a related note, what is this mystery part? I found it near the grinder in the 'impliment row' but dont know if its for this or not? (see pics below) part number: 7068AAAnother question: Does anyone have pics or info on these corn husk grinding attachments I hear about? I think this grinder might have had one of these, but dont know what they looked like.

There is a piviting part on the hopper and a screw thread on the shaft below it, so I'm thinking it shook the cobs around the hopper or something?Thanks for the help all!mystery part pics:Grinder pics. The part you are holding in your hand is not familiar to me and I don't think that It goes with your grinder, but i'll look it up in my master parts catalogue for grinders and see. I had to fabricate a new metal hopper for my grinder as mine had some kind of tree or something fall on it and destroy the sheet metal and several of the little hand knobs and adjustment mechanisms. It can be done.

The may part you need is that main casting with the slide gates. I'll do my best to burn you a CD and mail it to you. Your grinder is a Type B because it is a 10' (only made 10' grinders in type B and D), and because it does NOT have the spiral cutters in the top for slicing up the husks that the type D had. But look at the bright side: at least you have the little small belt pulley for running the elevator that 90% of these machines are missing (I wish I had that part on mine!)Jeb.

Thanks Jeb,I appreciate you burning me a CD I'll pm my addy to you.I just found out what that little belt pulley was for when I read at the links in your post. I would have never figgured that one out, I wish I had a elavator like that!I monkeyed with the grinder a little yesterday, and got two of the three screw grinders (in the bottom of the hopper, on the shaft) off. The last one, closest to the flywheel side is still stuck. Is there a key to hold this one on the shaft? I would assume so, to keep the works from spinning, but I can't see anything Any suggestions to getting it off? (besides oil, tapping, and patience?)The first two of these screw grinders have been broke and welded up in the past. Is this common, and ok?

Or should I try to find ones that are not broke? Part numbers 274 F (middle) and 275 F (little end one, nearest to grinder head).Both grinber plates are broke, anyone have spare these? Part number 340 F I believe.And I REALLY need the big cast part that the sliding plates go in. It's all busted up and beyond repairthanks again for the help!Jacob.

International Harvester Apparel

The spiral cob breakers (as they are called) on the main shaft just slide onto the shaft and hook onto each other. The last one (closest to the flywheel) actually has a pin that holds it to the shaft. The pin does not actually go through the cob breaker, but you would slide the cob breaker away from the flywheel to expose the pin and then drive the pin out. In other words, the pin is hidden under a lip. Just liberally douse the whole thing with PB blaster and tap on it to drive it away from the flywheel. As for the main casting, I can't help you there.

Sounds like you'll need to locate a parts machine for that. In your neck of the woods, that shouldn't be too terribly difficult. I would do some asking around at shows and swap meets. Grinder plates will be a bit harder to find yet. If all the pieces are there, you could try brazing them back together.

I have a few plates that were brazed and they seem to hold up just fine.I might actually have some extra spiral cob breakers, but they are buried in the back of a storage unit (we are living in an apartment while waiting for our offer on a house to go through). Once we get moved in, i'll try and dig them out for you. Just PM or email me your mailing address. Also, please try to get me the part numbers of the ones you have which are broken. There were several different combinations of these spiral breakers and some are short, some are long, different styles, etc. I wouldn't want to send you 2 or 3 long ones if all your broken ones are short. Mine may also have been broken but were very well brazed back together if I remember properly, but I'll have to look.Jeb in NC.