Does Leaving A Magazine Loaded Damage It

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Will leaving a magazine loaded damage it
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Storing Magazines Loaded vs. Unloaded is one of the great gun debates. At work yesterday night, one of my co-workers gave me the idea of tackling this huge debate for an article.

Both sides of the loaded vs. Unloaded argument feel very strongly that they are right. There are good reasons for both methods. Today I’m going to share those reasons.Which is better Storing Magazines Loaded vs.

Unloaded and then I’ll share what I chose to do. I know that this will end up being one of the more controversial articles and can’t wait to see the comments!A magazine is an storage and feeding device within or attached to a repeating. Magazines may be integral to the firearm (fixed) or removable (detachable). The magazine functions by moving the stored in the magazine into a position where they may be loaded into the by the of the firearm. The detachable magazine is often controversially referred to as a or mag.Storing Unloaded Storing UnloadedThe practice of keeping your magazines unloaded is for the benefit of reducing wear and tear.

When you fully load a magazine it places a lot of stress on the spring. Being under constant stress can eventually weaken the spring so it will not effectively push rounds into the chamber when firing the weapon.

With an unloaded magazine your spring will be fresh and should not have any feeding issues when you need it. The downside is that when you do need it you have a bunch of unloaded magazines laying around. Not a lot you can do with empty magazines, you couldn’t even beat a man with them.

If you do not have a speed loading tool, which I don’t, loading your mags will take quite a bit of time. Don’t worry I’m sure the bad guys will wait patiently while you load up, they are honorable after all.Storing Magazines LoadedStoring Magazines Loaded ensures that when you need a magazine all you have to do is to put it in your weapon. They are ready to go with no wasted time loading them up. Magazines make a great safe storage place for your ammunition, that’s what they were designed for. Like mentioned earlier though storing them loaded can lead to spring weakening.

I have had a magazine loaded for up to a year with no issues. Not that I am saying that there could be no weakening, but it still works fine.

If I have an issue I can just grab another loaded magazine.The main mechanism that will weaken the springs in a magazine is loading and unloading them. Storing Magazines Loaded will not weaken them if properly rotated. Rotating every six months is a best practice I follow. Also under loading them by 2 rounds. I load 28 rounds into my AR15 magazines for example.My WayI can see the logic behind both fields of thought. Metal under enough stress will eventually become weak. Also I know that if I ever truly need a loaded magazine I do not want to spend time loading one. So the method I choose is both, yup both have benefits so I do them both.


I try to get my magazines in pairs, half of them will be loaded at any given time. Also not loaded to capacity but one or two under to reduce the maximal stress on the spring. Every few months, let’s say six, I will rotate them. Let the spring rest for a while. This is the best of both worlds with minimal compromise. This post should have answered.So do you store loaded or unloaded? A mixture of the two like myself?

Fully loaded or just under? Let me know in the comments! I rotate my magazines, half full, half empty.I use the time spent load and unloading them as training time for my wife and daughters on how to do both.

They all know how to load manually, or with a speed loader – something I’d suggest everyone with hi-caps mags should have.My girls know that if the zombies are heading our way, they will be reloading while mom and dad are shooting.I say the last bit partly in jest.they DO know how to reload, not a bad little skill to have, in my opinionNow to get them both more interested in shooting. I was just commenting this past weekend, that a major downside of the “gun culture” not being mainstream are all these wives tales that persist. I don’t understand why this is a topic for debateCompressing a steel spring doesn’t wear it out.

Repeated compressing/decompressing does.Spring longevity is a mechanical fact you may research. It exists beyond the context of gun magazines.Of course there are other factors for magazine longevity, such as stress on feed lips – as is the case in Magpul p-mags. In that case you can potentially down load by 2-3 rounds, or snap the dust cover on top.

After returning from the range (whether its the two Springfield.40S&Ws, the Ruger LC9 9mm, the Colt 1911.45ACP, the two AR-15s, which I’m not shooting much lately-no EXTRA ammo (got plenty stashed), the two Ruger 10/22’s) I refill all magazines with JHP’s. Shotguns (both the Mossberg 500 and Remington 870 are always loaded, (5 and 1 in the Mossy and 6 and 1 in the 870) get reloaded with 00 buck. All weapons loaded, all the time—PERIOD!

And yes, research will show that compressing/recompressing the springs in magazines is what is most detrimental. So y’all just press on, hear?. Sean and the others that agree with him are absolutely correct.

Physics will tell you the true answer. Compressing then stretching(or decompressing) over and over will eventually wear out the spring.

Does Leaving A Magazine Loaded Damage It Is Lyrics

Does leaving a magazine loaded damage it causes

However, a constant compression or extension will not change it provided you aren’t exceeding the springs limits. In the case of a magazine spring, it is designed to be compressed to a fully loaded compression. For example, loading and then immediately unloading repeatedly in succession would wear the spring out quicker then simply keeping it loaded. Magazines are designed to be fully loaded and remain as such indefinitely. There is no “stress” from filling a magazine to capacity and leaving it there. Stress — or metal fatigue — is caused by repeated motion.Keep your magazines full to capacity. If you shoot enough, or unload/reload them enough, yes, they will eventually wear out and you will have to replace them.

“Down loading” them only gives you more stress — you’ll be reloading more frequently — and you’ll have less ammunition available when your life depends on it.And remember, magazines are a.consumable item. — just like ammunition, and after a much longer period of time, the gun itself. Everything made by man wears out in time. You cannot prevent this. It is best to accept it, use what you have wisely, and prudently plan for the day that your gear needs to be replaced.

I do like the minus two. On all my mags. At the range I load up ten bullets at a time.

No matter what I am shooting. On a 22 that only holds 10 I load them up all the way.For storage. I do not have all my mags loaded up. I have a some loaded up ready to go with 25/30(or even 20 in a mag because 20 comes in a box or 5 box of 20 in 4 mags at 25 round each.) or 15/17 rounds.As far as the spring being ruined over time I think is a lie. From my understanding of metallurgy the spring wears out from use. Meaning you fully load and shoot the magazine empty a 1000 times a day for a year it would wear out.

I have been wondering about this for years. I plan on keeping my night stand weapon (Ruger P89) loaded to -2 rounds. I keep one round in the chamber but, with the weapon de-cocked. I use 9mm hollow point ammoIs this the same with pump action shotguns? I don’t expect to fight a war in defense of my home so I don’t have an extended magazine tube on my Remington 870 12-Gauge but, I have removed the filler that reduces the capacity to three rounds. I usually keep three rounds in the magazine but, none in the chamber. Jacking a round into the chamber is almost instantaneous.

Will Leaving A Magazine Loaded Damage It

I use #4 buckshot as my standard roundI also have a 12-gauge double and a 38 Special revolver in various home locations. I am a very tall guy and keep the double in a rack inside and right above the coat closet door.

I can reach it easily. I keep two shells in the gun but, do not have the double fully closed. Reaching to get the shotgun and bringing it into action is a split second evolution.BTW: I have no kids nor ant friends or family that has kids. I read a similar article a while back that had a guy comment that he’d run across some AR-15 mags he’d forgot that he had stored away that had been fully loaded for 11yrs. He went to the range and all the mags functioned fine, they fed normally with no malfunctions. I don’t think I’d recommend keeping mags loaded that long but it seems like if you use a quality brand mag that uses high quality springs, keeping them loaded for a reasonable length of time then rotating them would be the way to go to be prepared.Comments are closed. Post navigation.

Does Leaving A Magazine Loaded Damage It Is Back

Hi, question for all of you; I have a Springfield XDM my wife bought for me, last October, I think it was if memory serves me correct. A short while after bringing it home, I loaded the high capacity magazine (as some of you may well know, the XDM comes with two magazines, one holding nine I believe, and one holding thirteen rounds) So, in anycase I loaded the high capacity magazine at that time, and I have not yet removed the bullets from the magazine, in all this time. Is there a danger by doing so, I am weakening the spring within the magazine, and or, do I need to remove the bullets so as to give the spring relief from the tension brought about by being full up and loaded? Thanks people. Hi, question for all of you; I have a Springfield XDM my wife bought for me, last October, I think it was if memory serves me correct.

A short while after bringing it home, I loaded the high capacity magazine (as some of you may well know, the XDM comes with two magazines, one holding nine I believe, and one holding thirteen rounds) So, in anycase I loaded the high capacity magazine at that time, and I have not yet removed the bullets from the magazine, in all this time. Is there a danger by doing so, I am weakening the spring within the magazine, and or, do I need to remove the bullets so as to give the spring relief from the tension brought about by being full up and loaded? Thanks peopleEvery time time this question raises its head, someone will come on here with some 'tests' and 'experiments' that show that it does affect the spring. Then, someone else will come on here with some 'test' and 'experiments' that shows it does not affect it. The real simple advice is springs will wear eventually. You should be testing your mags at least once a month at the range. You want your equipment to fail at the range, not when you need it.

Springs are dirt cheap. Have a couple extra with your firearm supplies. This way if you start getting failures to load from one magazine, you can replace its spring and be done. Invest a couple of bucks on a new spring for both mags. Keep it handy.

But more importantly, SHOOT from both mags once in awhile.Hope this helps. Repliers have mentioned the 'weakening' if you load and unload the mag-this is true-it is like taking a narrow piece of metal and bending it back and forth-eventually it fails. The only problem that I am aware of is the fact that you can have a loaded mag with your best ammo and when you take the pistol to the range you may use a separate mag with range ammo. If the pistol with the best ammo was fully loaded with one in the chamber you have to eject the cartridge in the chamber, remove the mag and replace it with the other mag containing your range ammo. When you come back from the range, you reverse the process by replacing the range mag with the mag loaded with best ammo, load the chamber from the mag and then replace the empty space in the mag with the original cartridge that you had ejected to begin this whole process.

You now have subjected those two cartridges to a routing thru the mag into the chamber and this can cause some wear and tear on those two cartridges especially if you do this say once a week or once every two weeks for a long period of time. Advice I have received is replace those two cartridges say every other time you go thru this exchange from best to range ammo and avoid any possibility that those cartridges have become 'worn' and subject to a potential problem. Every time time this question raises its head, someone will come on here with some 'tests' and 'experiments' that show that it does affect the spring.

Then, someone else will come on here with some 'test' and 'experiments' that shows it does not affect it. The real simple advice is springs will wear eventually. You should be testing your mags at least once a month at the range.

You want your equipment to fail at the range, not when you need it. Springs are dirt cheap.

Have a couple extra with your firearm supplies. This way if you start getting failures to load from one magazine, you can replace its spring and be done. Invest a couple of bucks on a new spring for both mags. Keep it handy. But more importantly, SHOOT from both mags once in awhile.Hope this helps.Someone needs to book mark this post and drag it out every time this topic comes up.